Thursday, March 15, 2012

3-15-12 Last class :(

itunesU  - K-12
*FL - ACSD (university of southern FL) k-12 open curriculum community
Utah education network
West Virginia Department of Education
OER's - Open educational resources

ibooks author - what a cool app to use for free, can publish and set the price, very exciting to see and think about all of the possibilities!

Awesome video you made.  I appreciate the comments about the "Apple mind" vs the "PC" mind.

I have never seen a google survey before.  I have to do a survey soon, and think I might try to do one.

ipad: tool or paperweight  upad / penultimate

Prezi is rad...if you put the time into it.. need to listen to drive while I am driving, leadership and self deception, how (like this on facebook for a free book),

concept board  - check this out

Moodle for credit recovery  - great video about education and where to really drill down into work.

Last class... thanks for all of the great presentations, conversations, and insight. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


cool page :

The power of pictures is impressive and sometimes forgotten....
Web design: primary navigation - no more than 6 links, careful of white space, pay attention to color

There are good conversations that have taken place tonight so far in class.  I so appreciate listening to other people's perspective about things and their situations at work.  It is a great part of my week. 

I think I have decided that our next home device will be a Mac Book Air... or will it be the new ipad?  one of the two for sure.  I am liking the ease of using the programs apple but my fear is that my products that I create will look like all the other home videos made with that same program  (it's the canned program worry).  We will see where we go with that.

Our visit to Canby School district today was thought provoking and has left me inspired and thinking of how to make it work on our district... knowing that there needs to be a clear plan in place (just throwing it out is not effective).

That's all for now.  Hope everybody has a great week!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


New resources for technology:
ISTE - international society for technology in education (join this)
S2N -  Signal 2 Noise - Beaverton School District sponsored event - May

Just downloaded the Prezi app on the ipad... going to try making a presentation on this.  Will have to think of a topic that will be interesting enough to share with the staff. 

"Me too books"  so true.
Convergent media - taking all of the information with you
the technology is getting better and better, and cheaper and cheaper... = in classrooms sooner!!!!

How do we learn better? (text is the same) tablet vs book.  what do they like more?

Learning improves when you can add pictures with the words... there has to be a balance

dual channel theory - audio vs visual .... get it... the right combo will enhance learning...

All media are not created equal - video/animation is great with text to teach process or things with steps
games are good to teach cooperation and decision making, not good for teaching facts

The learning did not differ between the book or the ipad.  motivation is a key factor

people who used the ipad liked the media more, and said they were willing to change.

The message I am hearing tonight is loud and clear.  The technology is not the absolute answer, you must still have thoughtful (with purpose) intentions to the instruction/learning to make it effective.  You have to keep the learner in mind.  You have to tease the learners motivation and interest (hook them).  You have to be a teacher and teach/lead the instruction with thought, purpose, and intention.  The art of teaching.

Another great evening of intriguing conversation and thought.  I am having two main thoughts, one of stress to get my project completed (Have only scratched the surface) and  the other wanting more time to explore technology.  Have to carve out the time (same with everything else).  Best of luck to everybody with their projects, I am excited to see what is in store.  I am thinking that my project presentation is going to be very boring in comparison to the other projects (district technology plan update).  Sorry in advance for that.