Thursday, January 19, 2012

Response to Videos 1-19-12

In response to the two videos we watched tonight... there are a lot of thoughts going through my mind.  I really enjoy the TED talks in general because the new/different ways of thinking are not only shared but cherished.  I have several of these videos that I watch (in the car on the way to the beach while my husband drives) and I always look forward to seeing whats new in the TED world... that being said, thank you Mr. Frimoth for sharing these videos in class.  Not only is Sir Ken Robinson a funny guy, he brings up some good points.  My favorite part was the very end where he reminds us (not only educators, but people in general) that kids share and spread their dreams with the world on a regular basis and we do need to tread softly.  We, as educators, need to remove barriers to our students dreams and find ways to educate them to reach their dreams.  Remove ourselves from the source of information and think of ourselves as facilitators to finding and understanding information.  

Learning to change and changing to learn, another thought provoking clip on the ideas in and around education. We, educators, have to start getting comfortable with the idea that we have no idea what our students will be doing as professionals in the future... they don't know either;)  We have to change our approach to the world, methods and that might be a little uncomfortable for some if us... doing what is best for kids is not always what is most comfortable for adults... like those 2 am feedings.... 
Anyhow, I could ramble on about my thoughts on the topic.  Bottom line, we have to continue to challenge ourselves to learn and grow with the world around us to keep up and prepare our students for the future.  What can I do in my current role and future roles to influence this shift in a positive way? Time will tell. What I know is that I will continue to challenge myself to march forward towards this goal.

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