Thursday, February 16, 2012


We had a nice discussion about the excitement around video as a teaching / presentation tool.  The ideas are spinning.

new fun page  that I want to use at my school. 

google may be my new hero... I learned how much I do not know. Ok, as this presentation continues I really feel behind... and I feel like I cant get this into our school fast enough.  I want more.

I just made my own sketch in google sketch... too much fun.

love the idea of teaching technology classes for the parents... YES!

Inspired is probably the best word to describe me right now and not a lot to say.  There are several different ideas that I have swirling around my head and I am not even sure where to take them.  No doubt, I need to carve out time to sit and play with all of the different features in google.  No only do I want to increase my personal understanding, I keep going back to the big question "how to I promote positive technology change in my school / district"  I know several of our teachers are dong some things with technology already but not to the depth or full capacity.  I really appreciated the mentality that this is happening now, lets do it now.  It's not just innovating people talking but doing and fostering opportunities for students to do. 

We talked about the traditional school not jiving with how the brain is built to work.... WHY do we keep doing it?  My dream is to work in a small school one day where the focus is on authentic learning experiences where students determine their path to education and teachers support and guide....  and we stop trying to shove kids into boxes.


  1. G's articulate presentation not only of Google but of a school environment driven by autonomy, mastery and purpose can't help but motivate and inspire. It's helpful to note that G is putting his "money where his mouth is" in our District. His principal is bought in to it all and his staff is almost " all in". Those are the ingredients to inaugurating deep-tissue change.

  2. I like that the features are free. Think of how much money a school district could save by switching everything to gmail and google docs and get rid of huge email servers.
